In some situations, we can offer specialized, easy-to-complete fill-in-the-blank forms which typically include filing instructions. Our fill-in-the-blank forms are prepared by our Licensed Tennessee Attorney. A Purchase Agreement along with full payment is required. PayPal may offer payment plans to qualified applicants.
Discovery is a very important process for contested cases. If Discovery is done correctly, it can provide important INFORMATION, much-needed PROOF, CONFESSIONS, and TESTIMONY that may be introduced at the trial.
Information obtained in Discovery can show you the significant strengths and hidden weaknesses of your case.
Sending a discovery request is optional - Answering a discovery request is MANDATORY!
"Interrogatories" are usually written questions that are answered in writing and under oath. See more about Discovery Interrogatories on our Document Preparation page. We can assist you by drafting INVESTIGATIVE, EFFECTIVE, and PROBING questions and request for important documents SPECIFIC to your case.
"Depositions" are usually verbal questions asked and answered under oath, in person, held at an Attorney's office, and recorded typically by a court reporter and/or on video.
We can help you PREPARE for a deposition. For some geographical areas, we may be able to attend the Deposition with you.
See our dedicated Document Preparation page on this website for available services.
Don't see what you are looking for? CONTACT US!
In a hurry to start your case or need your court documents quickly?
Is your deadline approaching?
Facing a Default Judgment?
Our Rush Service may be your best option and only choice.
Time is running out, DON'T WAIT!
Contact our office TODAY.
The anatomy of a contested case can be confusing. Let us help you with the procedures and/or the preparation of your case for Motions, Hearings, or Trials. Gain the confidence needed to succeed with your divorce or other family law case.
Knowledge is Power and fee estimates are FREE!
If you've been given legal documents to sign such as a Marital Dissolution Agreement, Settlement Agreement, Parenting Plan, Agreed Order, binding Contracts, etc. consider getting a professional legal opinion BEFORE you sign the documents.
Our Limited Scope Legal Service is for civil cases filed in Tennessee. If your case has a docket or court case number, is open, re-opened, or needs to be modified, we can provide a comprehensive review of the entire court record. This initial review is a necessary first step in understanding your situation and legal position. We can provide options, strategies, and a list of the necessary court documents recommended for your case. Fee estimates are always FREE.
Attorney Christine Barrett is available to assist the self-represented party with a small part or select portion of their Tennessee civil case. The client decides how much help they need and only pays for that legal service. Our Limited Scope Legal Services Retainer Agreement outlines the extent of legal services our attorney will provide. In short, the agreement spells out what very specific legal services will be provided for a specific case or purpose. It is usually for a determined time frame and at a smaller fee than full representation. Breaking up your case into sections allows for smaller payments and payment plans that may not otherwise be available with full representation. Through the use of our Limited Scope Legal Services, it is a way for you to obtain professional legal assistance from a licensed attorney when you don't need, want, or don't have enough money for full legal representation for your civil case. It's a less expensive option than hiring a lawyer for the entire case.
Mediation is an alternative dispute resolution option that parties may find useful in resolving their differences. The mediation session is conducted by a mediator who acts as an unbiased facilitator to help the parties find common ground and possibly reach an amicable solution to their problems. The mediator is not a judge and does not have the power to make either party enter into an agreement. Mediation is a voluntary process and is often times used to assist divorcing couples resolve issues that have not been previously agreed upon. A Judge may order Mediation in a number of contested matters. Typically, the divorcing parties must attend Mediation before the contested case can proceed to trial.
If you already have a mediation session scheduled and need assistance, contact us and we can explain the benefits we offer with our limited scope legal services.
Things to remember about Mediation:
If there are no deadlines or court dates, most of our limited-scope legal services qualify for our
in-house Payment Plan with NO credit check!
ADDITIONAL PAYMENT PLANS may be offered and available to qualified applicants through PayPal.
Contact PayPal for more details and qualifications.
Our Limited Scope Legal Services are available online through email.
With our virtual law office, there is no need to take time out of your busy schedule to make an appointment. Simply email us your questions and information to get started using our Limited Scope Legal Services today.
We understand that it is difficult to anticipate the need for a lawyer or the expense associated with full representation. That doesn't mean your case should suffer. Attorney Christine Barrett offers limited-scope legal services. The client decides what specific and limited services they need and want to use. Whether you need to utilize our online legal services to review your court papers before you sign them or you need us to prepare your legal documents from start to finish, you can be confident that your case will be handled professionally.
Types of Limited Scope Legal Services Offered:
Our Limited Scope Legal Services are typically for: