Just found out you're the "Baby Daddy"? 

Want all the rights a father may be entitled to like visitation or equal parenting time? 

Need to establish paternity before you can file for divorce? 

We can help.  Let us draft the court documents you will need, specific to your unique situation. 

We are experienced in delicate family law matters!    

Our fee estimates are FREE!



Through our Document Preparation Services, there is no need for guesswork when it comes to something as important as Child Support or the Parenting Plan. 

The Tennessee Child Support Guidelines can be very confusing and are filled with complicated calculations.  It is vital that your Child Support Worksheet and Parenting Plan are done correctly and that your specific situation is represented effectively. 

Figuring out the annual parenting days, including credits for other children, deciding if you qualify for exemptions, and what expenses may be deducted can be difficult. Put our experience to work for you.

Whether you are worried that you are going to pay too much child support or concerned that you aren't getting enough child support, allow us to calculate your child support and do the Tennessee Child Support Worksheet for you.  We also assist with modifying child support!

Our rates are reasonable with our affordable payment plan and no credit check.  

Determining overall annual parenting days, vacation and holiday schedules, general and specific parenting responsibilities,  federal dependent tax exemptions, and understanding the ramifications of selecting the  "Primary Parent" in the parenting plan can be difficult.  

We can help by preparing your Proposed, Modified, or Agreed on Parenting Plan.

WARNING: Due to some healthcare requirements and IRS tax changes, some decisions may have serious tax consequences.

Let us make it easy with our inexpensive Document Preparation Services.  Don't let Child Support or the Parenting Plan frustrate you or hold up your case.  Contact us today.   We are experienced in modifying child support and parenting plans. 

Does your Parenting Plan meet the NEW Statutory requirements?

                There is no substitute for an experienced Attorney

contested divorce or family law case

Need to START a non-agreed/contested divorce or other family law case BEFORE the other party does?  With our Document Preparation Service, we can prepare the necessary and required court documents to begin your non-agreed or contested family law case in Civil Circuit or Chancery Court. 

Did the other party FILE FIRST? You should have been served with a Summons.  Read your Summons carefully!  It states you must file a "Response", "Defense" or "Answer" within 30 days from the date the Summons was served on you. If you don't,  or your reply is not done correctly, a Default Judgment will be rendered against you.  A Default Judgment can limit your rights and have a devastating effect on you and your family.  Don't wait!  The availability of a payment plan may depend upon the time restraints and deadlines of the case.  


Attorney Christine Barrett


Our Document Preparation Service can help with a legal Name Change.  We assist adults who want to legally change their name and parents who want to change their minor child's name.   We can prepare all the court documents you will need. 

Name change generally qualifies for our payment plan option.

We can prepare your legal documents 

for your divorce, and other family law matters filed Anywhere in Tennessee's civil circuit and chancery courts.

Affordable legal services


Need to move but have a parenting plan?  We can walk you through the steps needed to comply with your parenting plan.  Contact us to see how we can assist you with the modification of your parenting plan and relocation procedures.   

Our online Document Preparation Service is not a computer-generated self-service database. Your case is not treated like an anonymous login.   With Attorney Christine Barrett, our clients receive PERSONALIZED assistance from a licensed Tennessee attorney whose goal is to help you succeed with your case.  We're here to help you understand and complete your required court documents.   In using our online Document  Preparation Service, your divorce papers will be drafted with regard to your SPECIFIC situation, incorporating special terms that aren't included in the state's free, confusing, and very limited divorce forms.  We can help you ensure that your retirement, real estate, and business interests are added correctly to your divorce papers.

Contact us for your legal or court document needs. 

Most services qualify for our payment plan.  

Fee estimates are FREE!

limited scope legal services:

helping people who help themselves.

discovery interrogatories

Discovery is an important process for contested divorce and family law cases. If Discovery is done correctly, it can provide IMPORTANT INFORMATION, much-needed PROOF, CONFESSIONS, and TESTIMONY that may be introduced at the trial.

Information obtained through Interrogatories can show you the significant strengths and hidden weaknesses of your case

"Interrogatories" are usually written questions that are answered in writing and under oath. It takes skill and experience to formulate the right questions to maximize this investigative process. Warning:  Some jurisdictions have limits on Interrogatories.  

We can assist you by drafting INVESTIGATIVE, EFFECTIVE, and PROBING Interrogatories and Request for Documents SPECIFIC to your case.

Overwhelmed trying to do it yourself?  For a very reasonable fee, Attorney Christine Barrett can provide you with professionally prepared court documents for your Tennessee civil case such as Divorce, Child Support, Custody, Paternity,  and many other select civil matters filed in Civil Circuit and Chancery Courts.   We are an experienced Tennessee Law Office with a dedicated lawyer and highly trained staff working to help people with their Divorce, Family Law, and other civil cases.

The Tennessee Child Support Guidelines are often complicated and difficult to understand.  The days of flat percentages for Tennessee child support calculations are long gone.  In its place is a detailed child support worksheet used to calculate the proper child support amount for most cases involving children.  Tennessee  Attorney Christine Barrett can help you with the Child Support calculation to ensure that you receive all of the child support that you are entitled to or to keep you from paying too much child support.    


Attorney Christine Barrett


agreed divorce

If you and your spouse are in agreement with all aspects of your divorce, our Attorney can professionally draft the necessary and required court documents for your Agreed Divorce with or without children.  Let us incorporate terms specific to your needs and circumstances.

Payment plans are generally available with no credit check!   

Who can use this service?

Our online Document Preparation Service can be used by the self-representing party (also known as "pro se" party or unrepresented party) who does not want to hire a  lawyer for full legal representation for their civil matter filed in Tennessee's Civil Circuit or Chancery Courts.  It is for the do-it-yourself person who may only need assistance in drafting legal documents for their divorce, family law or other civil case filed in Tennessee.

Examples of how Document Preparation Service can be used:

  • Parties who agree but need assistance formalizing their agreement, such as in an Agreed Divorce ("irreconcilable differences", "uncontested",  "no-fault", or "non-contested" divorce)
  • A parent who needs assistance with the drafting of their Temporary or Permanent Parenting Plan, the Tennessee Child Support Worksheet and Child Support Calculations 
  • Husband or Wife who can't find their spouse and is willing to make a reasonable and good-faith effort to find him/her
  • A father who needs help establishing Paternity and his rights as the father
  • A person who wants to start a Contested Divorce BEFORE their spouse does
  • A party who has been served with legal documents and needs to formally respond to a summons BEFORE suffering the devastating consequences of a DEFAULT JUDGMENT
  • A parent who needs to modify Child Support, Custody, Visitation, Relocation, etc.
  • Court documents prepared for a Name Change
  • Professionally drafted Power of Attorney or other legal documents

See our Limited Scope Representation for more information about how we can help you.

Can't find your spouse?  You must first be willing to try and find your spouse using reasonable means as required by law. If you still can't find them, we can provide instructions for the process of getting your spouse served in the USA in a divorce case.   

Want to begin a contested divorce BEFORE your spouse does? Let our licensed Attorney draft the documents you need to start the divorce process.  Prevent your spouse from taking drastic steps that may adversely affect you and your family.

Have you been served with papers and need to file a response, answer, or defense BEFORE time runs out? Don't risk suffering the devastating consequences of a default judgment.  We can prepare the required legal documents in response to the Summons and Petition or Complaint.  Don't delay. You may only have 30 days to reply!

Need a professional legal opinion BEFORE signing legal documents or proceeding with your open civil case? For a very reasonable fee, we offer Case Review and Document Review, providing written opinions and options specific to your situation.

Do you need answers or proof or did you receive formal written questions that must be answered under oath?  Avoid mistakes that could cost you a successful outcome in your case.  Let us assist you with Discovery Requests and Exhibits.

Interested in starting a civil case involving Child Support, Custody, Paternity, or other family law matter in Civil Circuit or Chancery Court in Tennessee?  Contact us for affordable, personal, and online assistance.